President Trump Likely Terminates Employees In Violation Of The Law — And Jeff Sessions Might Be Next
It seems President Trump isn't familiar with 'wrongful termination in violation of public policy.'
It seems President Trump isn't familiar with 'wrongful termination in violation of public policy.'
What's the one error that people being managed don't notice and many managers don't even realize is a mistake?
This complete system built for lawyers simplifies the complex world of law firm finance.
Do in-house lawyers have more leeway to make mistakes than their Biglaw peers -- and if so, is this a good thing?
Where we work, and with whom, is a very important life choice -- so choose wisely.
Here are four lessons for employers from the Jim Comey firing fiasco.
The Jeff Sessions confirmation is now a Senate vote on the Muslim Ban.
Contracts are now integrated into an end-to-end system, and efficiencies abound.
And three tips on how to fire someone the right way.
Terminations are a necessary evil, but they are still very hard -- on managers.
In-house columnist Mark Herrmann asks: What can we deduce from an out-of-season executive departure?
Interesting findings from a new survey.
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